Aluminum Frame Installation Guide

Example :
Here are some tips and example to install the Aluminum extrusions:
Find a platform to raise the acrylic panel, it will be easier to install the nuts on the extrusions
安裝小技巧 : 建議找一個平台將壓克力墊高,這樣會更容易安裝螺母在鋁擠上

Step 1: Install the nuts on the acrylic panel
步驟1: 安裝螺母到壓克力上

Step 2: Install the nuts on the acrylic panel
步驟2: 安裝螺母到壓克力上

After installed the nuts, you will see a gap between the nuts and acrylic (please refer to below photo)
安裝好螺母後,螺母跟壓克力中間有縫隙 (請見底下圖示)

Front view after installation

Back view after installation
安裝好的範例 反面
Place the nuts in the gap of extrusions (You may need the screwdriver to adjust the direction of the nuts)
將螺母與鋁擠轉成同方向崁入鋁擠槽裡 (你可能需要用螺絲起子來調整螺母的方向)

Tighten the screws, done